CSI news: Sara e Nick non se ne vanno

E! Online News – “CSI” Kills Back to Life?

Prima dicono che se ne sono andati perche’ volevan troppi soldi, poi ora smentiscono, bah meglio cosi’.

While CBS interpreted his tardiness as a negotiating tactic, Eads said it was simply a matter of a missed alarm.

“I overslept…I woke up white as a sheet three-and-a-half hours after I was supposed to be on the set,” Eads said, per the Associated Press.

Jorja Fox was let go last Wednesday, it was said, because she had not met a CBS-imposed deadline pledging, in writing, to continue to report for work, ongoing contract hassles or no.

The actress was said to be “mystified” by her firing, Variety said, because she believed she’d sent in her letter in time.


Abdul Alhazared, a.k.a. Al Azif, ha circa 1000 anni e gironzola su vari piani dell'esistenza. Dopo aver scritto il Necronomicon si è dedicato alla tecnologia e alla scienza, muovendosi di tanto in tanto in Europa.

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