A parent’s primer to computer slang
“warez” or “w4r3z“: Illegally copied software available for download.
“h4x“: Read as “hacks,” or what a computer hacker does.
“pron“: An anagram of “porn,” possibly indicating the use of pornography.
“sploitz” (short for exploits): Vulnerabilities in computer software used by hackers.
“pwn“: A typo-deliberate version of own, a slang term that means to dominate. This could also be spelled “0//n3d” or “pwn3d,” among other variations. Online video game bullies or “griefers” often use this term.
Grazie Microsoft
“ph”: often replaces “f,” as in “phear” for “fear” (as in “ph34r my l33t skillz”) and vice versa, such as spelling “phonetic” as “f0||371(.”
Dai, leggono megatokio, cazzo.