Wide are nerd


Amici animali

Un sito straordinario: il cliente non ha sempre ragione

Female customer: “Excuse me, what are you doing?”

Me: “I’m holding the door op–”

Female customer: “No, you’re being sexist! That’s what you are!”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Female customer: “You think that just because I’m a woman I can’t open a door for myself? I’ll have you know that I have been opening doors all my life.”

Me: “I don’t doubt that, ma’am. I was just trying to be polite.”

Female customer: “Pig! I am never going to eat here again!”

(She storms off as my manager, who is also a woman, walks by.)

Manager: “God, that girl needs to get laid!”


Abdul Alhazared, a.k.a. Al Azif, ha circa 1000 anni e gironzola su vari piani dell'esistenza. Dopo aver scritto il Necronomicon si è dedicato alla tecnologia e alla scienza, muovendosi di tanto in tanto in Europa.

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