Vista news

WinInfo Short Takes: Week of December 12

Bene praticamente Vista ormai sarà un Xp SP3 anche nell’aspetto grafico.

Microsoft Cuts Vista UI to Two Display Modes
Speaking of Vista, you might recall that Microsoft had originally planned to deliver three versions of the new UI, called Aero Glass, Aero Express, and Aero To Go. Those plans have been revised. Now, Microsoft will offer two modes only, called Windows Vista Aero (which includes the glass effects) and Windows Vista Basic, which is roughly like the Windows XP display. However, the capabilities of the three previous modes are still there: Vista Aero is the equivalent of Aero Glass, and you can get the equivalent of Aero Express by turning off the translucency effects while running Vista Aero. The best news? Contrary to rumors, you’ll need only a 64MB video card with 3-D capabilities to run Vista Aero on a typical PC (higher resolution displays will require more video RAM).

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Wikipedia Is Evil, Must Be Stopped
…Because anyone can edit entries in Wikipedia, many of the entries are horribly wrong. Although Wikipedia is in the process of trying to make it more difficult for people to change the content online, I have to ask: Isn’t it already too late?

Sono molto tentato dall’iscrivermi e inserire un commento con un “Are you a dumbass?”. Se mi anticipate ve ne sarò grato.


Abdul Alhazared, a.k.a. Al Azif, ha circa 1000 anni e gironzola su vari piani dell'esistenza. Dopo aver scritto il Necronomicon si è dedicato alla tecnologia e alla scienza, muovendosi di tanto in tanto in Europa.

Un pensiero su “Vista news

  1. a essere onesti, non ho mai capito in base a quale concetto la wikipedia si potesse modificare senza essere loggati. E pure ora che la registrazione è richiesta, non è necessario collegarla a un’indirizzo email… mah.

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